Original Airdate: November 15, 1959
Synopsis. Outside the desert of Santa Fe, Bart encounters Cornelius Van Rensselear Jr., a Harvard graduate and the son of a railroad magnate. Corny takes Bart for more than $1,000 in poker, but offers him double his money back if Bart agrees to impersonate him for a few days. Corny is traveling to his father’s company in St. Louis for an important shareholders meeting (his father faces the danger of being bought out by a rival named Hardiman), but he also needs to complete a paper on cacti that he must deliver to a horticultural society. Maverick takes the job—and immediately finds himself the target of henchmen dispatched by Hardiman to derail Corny.

LEARN MORE about this episode in the revised third edition of Maverick: Legend of the West, featuring more than 100 pages of new information about the show that made James Garner a star. 25 percent of the net proceeds from the sales of the third edition will be donated to The James Garner Animal Rescue Fund, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising funds to help rescue organizations, shelters, individuals, fosters, and veterans with emergencies, evacuations, medical care, adoptions, training, pet supplies, shelter, rehabilitation, boarding, transportation, food, and other pressing needs. JGARF is one way for Garner fans to honor Jim’s memory and extend his legacy. The revised third edition of Maverick: Legend of the West is available through Black Pawn Press, Amazon.com, and wherever books are sold online.